Clone hero song downloads reddit
Clone hero song downloads reddit

clone hero song downloads reddit

clone hero song downloads reddit

This game is an installation-free program.


Step 4: Some people may want to know how to install Clone Hero. You should extract files from it with tools like WINRAR and 7z.

clone hero song downloads reddit

Step 3: After the Clone Hero download is completed, you will get a 7z compressed file. If not, click “ Can’t find your operating system?” Then, it will list all Clone Hero versions suitable for different OS and you can choose the right one. Step 2: On the new page, click the Download button if this version is suitable for your PC operating system. The version number will change when a new version is released. Step 1: Go to Clone Hero’s official website (). It also tells you how to add songs to Clone Hero.ġ0 Best Free Microsoft Store Games in 2021 How to Download and Install Clone Hero But the main draw of the game is its ability to play community-made songs, which has resulted in a large fan community around the game as well as a resurgence in popularity for the genre.ĭo you want to play this game? Here is a Clone Hero download and installation guide. First released on March 1, 2017, Clone Hero is a free rhythm game, which can be played with any 5 or 6 button guitar controllers, game controllers, or just your standard computer keyboards.Īs its name implies, Clone Hero is a Guitar Hero Clone, much like its predecessors, Frets on Fire, Phase Shift, and even modded Guitar Hero 3 on PC as well.

Clone hero song downloads reddit